Ghost Hunt





Paranormal Investigations

(not a sleepover)

By appointment only. Email [email protected] for more info

  • Para­nor­mal Inves­ti­ga­tions can start as soon as 7 p.m. and end no lat­er than 10 a.m. the fol­low­ing day.
  • Price: $300.00 ( Up to 15 quest max.)
  • A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $250 is required before your date can be confirmed
  • $50.00 due upon arrival.
  • (this goes toward the total amount)

After con­fir­ma­tion of your request­ed date please mail your con­tract and deposit to Love­land Cas­tle PO Box 26 Love­land, Ohio 45140. Make a Check or mon­ey order payable to “Knights of the Gold­en Trail”





Wine Tasting Experience

For More Info and tick­ets, fol­low the Link below.

Wine tast­ing tick­ets & Info

The Castle does NOT offer booking for the following:


Baby Show­ers.

Birth­day Party’s.

Per­son­al overnights.

Per­son­al Party’s.

Grad­u­a­tion party’s.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the most asked ques­tions about the Castle.

  • Ques­tion: Is it a real castle?
  • Answer: Yes, a thou­sand years ago when the Roman Empire occu­pied Britain, they built hun­dreds of keeps just like Har­ry’s. It is full-scale, except for the Ball­room, which is a 1/5 repli­ca of the ball­room Har­ry used as a field hos­pi­tal in WWI.
  • Ques­tion: When is it open?
  • Answer: We are now in our Win­ter sched­ule “Week­ends Only” Sat­ur­day ans Sunday’s 11 AM to 5 PM
  • Ques­tion: How much does it cost to visit?
  • Answer: The cost is $5.00 per per­son, and chil­dren 5 and under are free. On “Spe­cial Event”  prices may vary.
  • Ques­tion: Are there tour guides?
  • Answer: No, It is a self-guid­ed tour. How­ev­er, The Knight on duty may give you a brief his­to­ry Of Sir Har­ry and or his Cas­tle. Also, there is a 3 inter­view Video and a short Doc­u­men­tary Of Sir Har­ry’s time in Boot Camp Dur­ing WWI, which should answer most of your curiosities
  • Ques­tion: Is there food and drinks avail­able at the Castle?
  • Answer: There are pic­nic tables, bench­es, walls, tow­ers, gardens.…picnic spots like you have nev­er seen pic­nic spots! Bring your own food and drinks and take in all the vast beau­ty while you pic­nic here at the cas­tle. If you’re com­ing in a large group please make arrange­ments to take your garbage with you when you leave.
  • Ques­tion: Are there restrooms at the Castle?
  • Answer: The Cas­tle has 2 Porta­bles at the south end of the park­ing lot.
      • Ques­tion: What do I bring for an overnight at the Castle?
      • Answer: First, you need to know what ameni­ties are avail­able or not avail­able. The Cas­tle still uses the same well Sir Har­ry him­self dug over 50 years ago. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this means that water is in short sup­ply, so you will need to bring your own water. This also means that there are NO indoor plumb­ing facil­i­ties for pub­lic use, the Cas­tle has two Porta­bles at the entrance to the park­ing lots. On the food front, we have the fire ring Sir Har­ry built years ago. It is per­fect for scout-type cook­outs. When Har­ry’s stove failed it was­n’t replaced, mean­ing there are no indoor cook­ing facilities.
      • Ques­tion: Where do I sleep dur­ing an overnight?
      • Answer: The entire sec­ond floor is avail­able for sleep­ing areas. Lit­er­al­ly. Even the Knights lay their sleep­ing bags out on the floor when stay­ing at the Cas­tle! The Cas­tle is hot in the sum­mer and cold in the win­ter, so come pre­pared accord­ing to the weather.
      • Ques­tion: What activ­i­ties are their for kids at the Castle?
      • Answer: Every group that stays overnight at the Cas­tle gets a full tour, plus the Knight on duty will always be avail­able to answer any ques­tions about Sir Har­ry and the Cas­tle (don’t for­get to ask about the Cas­tle ghosts…if you dare!). In the Ger­man Game room there are hand­made games, like chess and check­ers, plus puz­zles that Sir Har­ry and the Knights have cre­at­ed. The fire-ring is per­fect for a bon­fire, though you may one to bring a lit­tle wood in case what you find around the Cas­tle isn’t suit­able. It is also great for marsh­mal­lows and smores! Per­son­al­ly I have always felt that snipe hunts are great fun for new mem­bers to a group, but that’s just me.
      • Ques­tion: Does the cas­tle still do Scouts Overknights?
      • Answer: Yes the cas­tle still offers overnight stays to the scouts. All the infor­ma­tion can be found on the ser­vices page.